The Shotover River jetboat ride is great, zooming along at up to 80km/hour, though the rain at the end feels like icicles on our faces
Anne fulfills a dream to para-glide, we're content to be the cheer squad
Our main adventure is a 5 day bike ride along the Central Otago Rail Trail, with Trail Journeys. They provide bikes and book our accomodation, we sort the rest.
It's stark and very sparsely vegetated to begin, with snow topped mountains in the distance
Going through the tunnels require strong nerves - no light reaches the centre, and our torches aren't quite good enough...
Made it!

Our main adventure is a 5 day bike ride along the Central Otago Rail Trail, with Trail Journeys. They provide bikes and book our accomodation, we sort the rest.
It's stark and very sparsely vegetated to begin, with snow topped mountains in the distance
We stay in small motels and guesthouses, mainly eat at local pubs, and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere - no locks needed around here, on bikes, cars or doors
These little ex-waiting rooms are welcome shelter on our last and longest - 50km - day. It's cold and rainy, there's a head wind, and the gravel track is boggy.

It's a old train trip to Dunedin, where it continues to rain, but eating chocolate at Cadbury is great,
as is visiting the ornate railway station
A bus takes us back to Queenstown, where we spend our final day cruising along the lake to a sheep station