Sunday, March 24, 2013

Da Lat

We decide on a bus tour today, with 8 others from a variety of countries. Up into the countryside we go. First stop is a huge flower farm, which mainly grows roses and daisies for the local and international market. There are enormous greenhouses heading down the hillside, initially set up by a Dutch company; the plastic protects from heavy rain, hot sun and frost. The roses are indeed beautiful, but unfortunately have no scent. A minority tribe village is next: dry, dusty with wooden shacks for living and a vicious monkey chained to a pole. Very depressing, especially as tourists are bussed in to stand and gawk. I'd thought there may be handcrafts for sale there, but not where we stop. Then there's a cricket farm, bred to eat, they too are housed in nice warm plastic sheds. Yes we all try one, dipped in chilli sauce, really just a bit of deep fried crispy stuff, and apparently a good protein source. An enormous smiling white Buddha at a pagoda is a nicer place, and a waterfall and a stall demonstrating and selling woven goods from a minority group. A silk factory is amazing with some cocoons being hand spun and some whizzing around on big machines. We're more than ready for our coffee farm stop, where we see the white flowering bushes on the hill sides, and can taste several varieties. It's also another shopping opportunity for a variety of handcrafts. Finally it's lunchtime, the driver and guide have done a remarkable job of sticking to the schedule. There's one more stop after lunch at the old railway station, set up by the French in 1890, then we are dropped back at the hotel.
Later we wander back into town past lots of women, squatting by their baskets, selling all kinds of veggies and meat for people to cook for dinner. It's Saturday night so the market is in full swing. The tandem bike hirers are doing a roaring trade, and the food smells delicious. We eat hotpot at a popular stall, our food bubbles away in front of us as we watch the passing parade.

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